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    Join the effort to petition to divert taxpayer money to lower cost transportation solutions that are equally effective

    Let's swiftly introduce cost-effective and low-impact solutions instead
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    Preserve Little Cottonwood Canyon by implementing low cost solutions

    Restore 1997 bus map, add electric bus, enforce snow tire/traction requirements, permit parking and stagger resort opening hours

Reignite The American Dream

Join the fight against wasteful spending on the Gondola to benefit special interest. (AND) Let’s implement cost-effective and low-impact solutions immediately


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About Us

Love Little Cottonwood Canyon?

The proposed gondola risks degrading Little Cottonwood Canyon, a valuable public asset that is an important source of tourism revenue and fresh drinking water. It also creates an UNNECESSARY financial burden for Utah taxpayers as lower cost common sense solutions do exists.

Your donation enables us to perform research and
educate lawmakers of better transportation solutions

Number of days the canyon has congestion

20-30 days

Cost of the Gondola
over 30 years

$1.4 billion

% increase of skiers at LCC in the last 23 years


Change of public buses to Alta in the last 23 years

73 to 23
Our Solution

Many low-cost solutions exist to resolve the 20-30 days of traffic congestion in the canyon

Utah legislators must act now to restore historical bus routes, enforce snow tires / traction requirements, implement permit parking, and variable operating hours.

Our Concern

The Gondola is costly to taxpayers and is not expected to improve the current congestions

It is projected to cost $1.4 billion which is the size of the transportation budget for Utah for one year. Building the gondola would divert transportation funding away from higher priority transportation projects in Utah.

Our Coalition

Advocates of Common Sense Traffic Solutions

Canyon Guard’s (CG) mission is to find common sense, fiscally responsible and ecologically sustainable transportation solutions for Little Cottonwood Canyon. We aim to educate elected officials and citizens with facts about the traffic congestion problems in Little Cottonwood Canyon and the concerns with the proposed Gondola as UDOT’s solution.

$1.4 Billion

Cost of the Gondola Upfront

75 Minutes

Time it takes from car park to Alta on the gondola


For the gondola operation to breakeven, the ticket will cost


Our Ask

Donate to our cause

Stand with us and protect the majestic beauty of Little Cottonwood Canyon for generations to come.

Our coalition is actively working to ensure the Department of Transportation implements available low cost solutions BEFORE considering the construction of a permanent gondola structure in LCC. While Canyon Guard will take every measure to reduce costs, the reality is that this lawsuit will be extremely costly. We are a small non-profit going up against well-funded opposition and we need your help to level the playing field. We humbly ask you to donate to preserve Little Cottonwood Canyon and fight for fiscally responsible solutions.

Our Sponsors

Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.

Donate to our cause

Stand with us and protect the majestic beauty of Little Cottonwood Canyon for generations to come.

Our coalition is the key to stopping the gondola project and eliminating congestion in LCC. While Canyon Guard will take every measure to reduce costs, the reality is that this lawsuit will be extremely costly. We are a small non-profit going up against well-funded opposition and we need your help to level the playing field. We humbly ask you to donate to protect Little Cottonwood Canyon from this undue and unnecessary threat.


In what ways have UTA bus routes and frequency been reduced?

Currently, Utah Transportation Authority (UTA) only operates 23 buses a day on route 994 up Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC) from Sandy.
Route 953, that goes from Midvale to Alta, has not been operational since 2020, and its resumption for the upcoming season is yet to be determined. In 1996, the total number of buses a day that went up LCC was 87.

How does the government plan to fund the gondola?

In 2021, bill HB0433 created the CCTIF (Cottonwood Canyon Transportation Investment Fund) where “legislature may appropriate money from the fund for public transit or transportation project in the Cottonwood Canyons of Salt Lake County”. In addition, Bill HB0488 and its subsequent amendments ensures more than $20 Million of taxpayer’s money is channeled into this fund each year starting in 2021.

How many people opposed the gondola in public hearing?

The gondola proposal encountered significant public resistance, with 81% of comments submitted during the public comment period voicing opposition. A record breaking number of comments was submitted during the Utah Department of Transportation’s (UDOT) public commenting period. Students for the Wasatch, with the help of other community groups, tallied the comments submitted to UDOT and found 81% of the comments opposed the gondola.

Who is suing Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) over the gondola project, and what are the key points of contention in the lawsuit?
In December 2023, three lawsuits were filed contesting Utah Department of Transportation’s (UDOT) Gondola Project for Little Cottonwood Canyon. The plaintiffs are Friends of Alta, Save Our Canyons, and a coalition of Salt Lake City, Sandy City, and the Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy. These lawsuits challenge various aspects of UDOT’s review and selection process. The lawsuits allege that UDOT failed to properly justify the gondola’s impacts and costs, consider reasonable alternatives, and provide unbiased analyses. Additionally, they claim UDOT inadequately assessed environmental impacts and failed to respond substantively to public comments, coordinate effectively with the United States Forest Service, and comply with the 1966 Transportation Act, which safeguards public recreation areas, trails, and local climbing areas.

Many low-cost solutions exist to resolve the 20-30 days of traffic congestion in the canyon

Utah legislators must act now to restore historical bus routes, enforce snow tires / traction requirements, implement permit parking, and variable operating hours.


How can you help

The org is a coalition of members (organizations or individuals) that pushes back on the approach and decision of Utah’s Department of Transportation UDOT. 


The Gondola is costly to taxpayers and won’t even solve the traffic problems

The gondola will cost at least $1.4 billion to build and will likely continue to lose money for decades to come. What it certainly will do is line the pockets of special interests.


Other Ways To Help

Engage Elected Officials

  • Write to your elected officials and voice your concerns.
  • Attend meeting with elected officials in person to voice your concerns.

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