
Advocates Of Common Sense Traffic Solutions

Backed by data and a team of experienced professionals, Canyon Guard is a coalition of individuals and organizations that advocates for cost-effective solutions that address congestion without burdening taxpayers, or sacrificing the environment, safeguarding Little Cottonwood Canyon’s majestic beauty for generations to come. Our analysis reveals the Gondola project is financially unsustainable and will not solve traffic congestion. Instead numerous proven lower-cost solutions exist.

In December 2023, three parties filed lawsuits challenging the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) decision to install a Gondola system as the final solution to traffic issues in Little Cottonwood Canyon. (View UDOT Record of Decision here)

One plaintiff stated, “we hope the lawsuit will induce a pause while additional analysis is performed, providing legislators time to review the over $1B cost of the Gondola Project, which is opposed by over 80% of the public respondents and all the affected areas’ mayors.” Little Cottonwood Canyon is a world renowned destination that could be irreparably damaged by a hasty decision focused only on traffic congestion rather than on protecting the interests of all Utah citizens and canyon users.”

While the lawsuits put a temporary stop to the gondola project, Canyon Guard focuses on educating lawmakers and the public about the proposed gondola project and other transportation solutions in Little Cottonwood Canyon. We believe Utah taxpayers and our elected officials can make an informed decision to our collective benefits .

Learn more about other transportation solutions here.

Learn more about the lawsuits below:”

View the press release about the lawsuit here and the lawsuit filing here.

  • On December 11, 2023. Salt Lake City, Sandy, and Metro Water District filed a different lawsuit against UDOT (View the filing here).
  • On December 18, 2023, Save Our Canyons filed a third lawsuit (View the filing here).
  • On April 17, 2024 all three lawsuits were consolidated to be reviewed by Judge Campbell (View reporting here).
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